Platoflex products are manufactured as a seamless whole. This makes the lightweight products massive as well as very strong and durable. Products that need to be installed in a fixed location are supplied with securing flanges. Thus the products can be detached again, shifted and re-secured in a new configuration at a later date.

The individual plates can be secured by various methods, for instance cement. Here, you should take into account both the Platoflex material and the background to which the product is being secured. Consult a specialist for advice about the correct method in your case.

The cover plates are produced in standard fence/wall formats and can be installed on the fence/wall using cement or screws. When using screws ensure that these are not visible or are concealed by cover caps. Consult a specialist for advice about the correct method in your case.

How to install a Platoflex wall

Platoflex walls can be installed in two ways.

Method 1 is used in 95 per cent of cases. The Platoflex wall is mounted on a solid foundation, such as a row of concrete tiles, at least 10 cm below ground level. It is fixed at intervals of 30 cm, using anchor bolts with bearing plates. These plates are essential to distribute the weight of the wall. For a wall 150 cm in height, the recommended foundation depth is at least 20 cm. For one 220 cm in height, the recommended depth is at least 30 cm.

Method 2 is used when there is no way to conceal a foundation underground. Instead, cavities are made within the Platoflex wall so that it can be mounted on sturdy piles driven into the ground. This method is also recommended in areas subject to high winds.

Instruction wall mounting method 1

Instruction wall mounting method 2